International Timetabling Competition

Semester 1

Development Diary and Research Reports

The diary and individual report needs to be printed, bound and submitted to Brian Flemming by 12 noon next Wednesday (8th).

The documents also need to be sent to Darryl Srewart as attachments to an email with the following subject line: “CSC3047 First Semester – Diary and Report – [Yourname]” (do not use “)

The documents themselves should be named:

    “DevelopmentDiary_YourName_YourStudentNumber.docx” and “ResearchReport_YourName_YourStudentNumber.docx”

The documents should have a cover page with the following information clearly presented:

    Module Code Your Name Your Student Number Either “Development Diary” or “Research Report” The Title of your report (if it is the report)

The hard copy versions of the document should also have a signed disclaimer sheet after the front cover sheet. Please find a copy of the form here.

The individual reports should be directly relevant to and be related back to the requirements set out by the clients. It can be something that has already been covered in your team report and you do not necessarily have to have the same recommendations as in the team report. We will not be cross referencing between the reports during the marking process. Please make sure all sources of information etc. are used correctly and referenced appropriately. Plagiarism will be closely monitored.


Last Updated: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 1:57 PM